Turn your TALK into SHOW

12 KWIETNIA 2019, 13:00
SGH, budynek G, sala 211

Organizator: Jeronimo Martins

Training participants introduce themselves to the audience providing them with information about their background, interests, and ambitions in an interesting, attention-keeping way.

The outcome of it will be a comprehensive evaluation of speaking skills that the speaker already has and those which need some attention with recommendations for improvement.

The participants must possess English skills at least the B2 level and be willing to prepare such a speech.

Lecturers will instantly provide both oral and written evaluations. Oral evaluations will benefit all training participants because specific feedback given to one will most likely apply to others. One assistant will deliver her model speech made according to the requirements given above.

There will be also covered the following topics:

1. The speech structure: an attention-getting opening, well-structured body with smooth transitions, and a conclusion to remember.

2. What is the purpose of my speech? Four general purposes.

3. How should I say it? How to write speeches.

4. Tools of non-verbal communication (body language, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact)

6. Your voice (how to use vocal variety and pauses)

7. The basics of using visual aids

8. How to persuade and inspire your audience.

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